Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Mystery of the Green Light that Bids You Stop Before You Go

The mystery of the green light
That bids you stop before you go
Here is man – so bound to time
And the things I do not know

Yet these promises cannot be quenched
But by my will alone
Yet these promises cannot be gained
But surrendered to Your throne

To time so bound was Abraham
Seeing little fruit in his own life
Still He so trusted in the Promiser
Over the promise he held his knife

Although only in part I see
First, I think You want a friend
More, You are the Alpha and Omega
The Beginning and the End

So different than us folk
You walked so confidently
A Man – You are not bound by time
Yet for me, to Calvary

You did what only You can do
As for Abraham and I
I’d be best to follow him
And be willing to let it die

From this place of surrender
Two unfoldings can occur
The promise is gaining interest
Or Your ways are just higher
by Brittney